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Career Advice, Resume Writing Tips, Australia

Category: Career Advice Blog

Negotiating Your Next Salary Increase

Article by Belinda Fuller

For many people, asking for a salary increase can be difficult, especially in these turbulent times, however with a bit of preparation you’ll be well on your way to success. Here’s my tips:


Planning is key and requires forward thinking throughout the year. Take some time to build your evidence. Think creatively here – it’s not just about the everyday. Meeting targets and KPIs is not ‘value add’. You need to put yourself in your boss’ shoes for a minute and consider what’s going to be of most value to them. 

It does help if you have tangible achievements, however it’s not always necessary. Think about projects you’ve contributed to, collaboration with other team members, extra tasks or responsibilities you’ve taken on, new processes you’ve initiated, customer accolades received or major deadlines met. Think about things you did that made you feel proud. In your day to day work, try to go above and beyond what’s expected of you some of the time. And remember to keep notes and records of all your achievements, savings, accolades and commendations.


Understand the process within your organisation and be prepared. Policies around performance reviews and salary increases vary from organisation to organisation. Many are closely aligned and others are not. Some employers give salary increases to those who ask and others have a very formal process to review everyone’s salary within a specific timeframe. There are also factors outside of your control that may impact on whether or not you receive an increase. They include things like current economic stability, competitor influences and how well the business has performed.

You should also look at the strength of the market and research how difficult (or easy) you would be to replace. Think about your unique skills and abilities that might make you irreplaceable. Ascertain what your value is on the open market by researching job sites and salary surveys, asking industry associations, talking with recruitment consultants or friends in similar roles.

Combine this information with your record of achievements and contributions and if need be prepare a written document. Organise to meet with your boss and, if possible, try to do so at a time that coincides with the completion of a big project or another positive situation.


The last and all important stage. Again, put yourself in your boss’ shoes and ask yourself “Why do I deserve a salary increase?”. Have a clear idea of what you’re looking for and ask for it – remember your evidence and keep it clear and succinct. Don’t expect too much, don’t plead and don’t become confrontational. Also, make sure it’s the right time – manage your boss’ emotions and don’t try to do this if he/she is stressed or under pressure. You can have the best plan in the world, but if you try to impact your boss when they’re not receptive, you will fail.

Remember to be open minded – there are rewards other than money such as training, education, representation on a major project, increased responsibilities that will expose you to new skills (and make you more marketable), flexible work conditions, improved equipment, or if all else fails, try to agree another review/discussion in three months time. Good Luck!

For career advice and interview coaching on how to negotiate your remuneration package in job interviews, please see our Interview Training services. 

What NOT to Say in Your Resume

Article by Belinda Fuller

What’s NOT in your resume is almost as important in making that all important first impression as what IS in there. Your resume will probably be one of many received, so give yourself the best chance at getting noticed for all the right reasons!

As a resume writer, people often ask me why I don’t include certain information. Here’s a quick list of what I never include and why.

Career Objective: Don’t waste words stating what you want. Put yourself in the employers’ shoes. Your resume needs to scream “What’s in it for me?” from their perspective. We suggest including a Career Overview that provides a snapshot of you, your relevant qualifications, skills and experience and the value you could bring to the role.

Lies: Never exaggerate your responsibilities or achievements. The interviewer may use your resume content as a basis for interview questions so don’t make statements that you can’t talk about or back up in more detail.

Photo: Unless you are a model or an actor, it’s not necessary. Since it is discriminatory to hire or not hire someone based on their looks, including a photo could be a distraction. Some recruiters even go so far as culling resumes with photos.

Quirky Email Addresses: Having a 007 or Catwoman email address might be fun but it just isn’t professional. Create an email address containing your first and last name/initials – or the best combination of these you can achieve.

Personal Blogs, Facebook or Twitter Accounts: If you have a Linkedin profile, include a link, but never point employers to personal social media accounts. They will often find something not to like – and if they wanted to, they could probably find it on their own anyway. Don’t tempt fate and always exclude these.

Unfinished Degrees: Especially if they were more than a couple of years ago – fair enough if you put study on hold for personal reasons but not if it was 10 years ago – it could highlight commitment issues in the employer’s mind so I recommend excluding it altogether. For study currently underway – always state your ‘anticipated completion date’ so the employer knows how far along you are.

High School Details: Unless you have just left school, it’s not necessary. If you have tertiary qualifications, or some work history behind you, there is no need to include high school information.

Personal Information: It’s not necessary to include age, height, weight, marital status, children, health, religious, cultural or political associations so don’t waste space by doing so.

Spelling or Grammatical Errors: Goes without saying really, but this is a big one. Always triple check your content and don’t submit an application with mistakes. Again, recruiters report a big reason to cull is spelling or grammatical errors.

You don’t usually get a second chance to make a first impression. Your resume is your first step in the door – if you don’t put your best foot forward, your physical foot may never make it in that door!

If you are interested in having your resume written by a professional resume writer, please see our Resume Writing Services.

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