Katie Roberts Career Consulting

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Outplacement Services Brisbane

Outplacement Services Brisbane

Our Outplacement Services and programs provide support and assistance for employees who have been made redundant and/or who need assistance in making a career transition. As one of Australia’s leading outplacement providers, our firm has a team of consultants who have a wealth of experience across a variety of industries in both the Queensland public and private sectors. They have worked with employees at all levels including entry to mid-level staff, senior managers and executive level employees.

Our outplacement consultants will provide your employees with professional coaching and support, and up-to-date information on the current job market. They will provide counselling on how to best position themselves in the market, identify suitable job opportunities and present themselves effectively to employers.

Our Outplacement Services will help your organisation:
  • Ease the distress and trauma caused by redundancy
  • Recognise the contributions of redundant employees
  • Maintain a professional company image and reputation
  • Maintain the morale of existing employees
  • Reduce the risk of legal action by helping redundant employees move forward.

We provide all our Outplacement Services via Zoom or Phone call consultation.

*Customised packages are available to suit your organisation’s budget and needs.

Below are our most popular outplacement programs.

Outplacement Services

1. Silver Package

This package is aimed at employees who are in a junior level role OR who have had a short tenure with the company (2 years or less). This program provides employees with tools and assistance to kick-start their career transition. It includes 2 x consultations with a Career Consultant via Zoom or Phone.

This package provides employees with:
  • A professional career assessment to identify the careers and industries that best suit them
  • Career counselling and advice on their course and employment options
  • A professional resume tailored for their preferred industry
  • An action plan to help them on their path to their next job.

Entry to Mid-Level (suitable for people in non-management roles up to the mid-level tier)
Fee: $1300 including GST

Senior Level (suitable for people in senior roles, management roles and executive positions)
Fee: $1700 including GST

2. Gold Package

This package is aimed at employees who are in a mid-level role OR who have had a longer tenure with the company (3 to 5 years). This program provides employees with more intensive assistance to help them transition to a new role. It includes 3 x consultations with a Career Consultant via Zoom or Phone.

This package provides employees with:
  • A professional career assessment to identify the careers and industries that best suit them
  • Career counselling and advice on their course and employment options
  • A professional resume tailored for their preferred industry
  • A customised cover letter that highlights their transferrable skills
  • Interview skills training and coaching
  • Salary advice and negotiation tips
  • An action plan to help them on their path to their next job.

Entry to Mid-Level (suitable for people in non-management roles up to the mid-level tier)
Fee: $1950 including GST

Senior Level (suitable for people in senior roles, management roles and executive positions)
Fee: $2550 including GST

3. Platinum Package

This package is aimed at employees who are in a senior-level role OR who have had a significant tenure with the company (over 5 years). Employees who have been with one company for a long period of time are unlikely to be up to speed with current hiring practices and therefore require more assistance in making a career transition. This package provides employees with the full range of services and includes 4 x consultations with a Career Consultant via Zoom or Phone.

This package provides employees with:
  • A professional career assessment to identify the careers and industries that best suit them
  • Career counselling and advice on their course and employment options
  • A professional resume tailored for their preferred industry
  • A customised cover letter that highlights their transferrable skills
  • Interview skills training and coaching
  • Salary advice and negotiation tips
  • Job search assistance and networking skills
  • Advice on selecting and approaching recruitment agencies
  • Review and feedback on their LinkedIn Profile and job applications
  • An action plan to help them on their path to their next job.

Entry to Mid-Level (suitable for people in non-management roles up to the mid-level tier)
Fee: $2600 including GST

Senior Level (suitable for people in senior roles, management roles and executive positions)
Fee: $3400 including GST

Additional Phone Mentoring Sessions are also available as ‘add-ons’ to these packages.

*Customised Packages are available to suit your company’s requirements.

To enquire about our Outplacement Service, please contact us:

Contact Us



Dear Karen,

Thank you for our consultation on Monday, it was FANTASTIC. I really loved hearing your feedback and exploring the issues and all the advice. I have already made comments to friends that you were excellent and very knowledgeable and personable. I would definitely tell my friends or colleagues to book an appointment with you.

CB, Brisbane


After the session, I felt energised and confident that there were career choices out there for me that would suit much more than my current role – a relief in itself. Most helpful was the personality testing and the way you saw things that I never would have been able to myself, by smoothly joining the two and breaking it down with such ease into real possibilities. Worth its weight in gold.

BS, Brisbane

“I worked with Judith to identify and appraise my transferable skills with a change of role and industry in mind. Options were limited in my professional field at the time, due mainly to an industry-wide slowdown. I felt that my skills portfolio could be of value to other roles and industries but needed professional help to clearly identify what other options might be available to me. Judith was extremely helpful and insightful. She worked closely with me to appraise my interests, prior work history and future expectations regarding salary and prospects for professional advancement. Judith alerted me to several professional possibilities that I hadn't thought of and helped me to understand how my skills and experience could transfer to these roles. Overall, her input was extremely focused, helpful and professional. I would gladly recommend Judith to other professionals seeking clear input on their career progression or guidance on alternative employment options.”

Tony, Brisbane

“I would like to take this opportunity to enthusiastically endorse Judith Uhlman as an executive career coach. Judith helped me clarify my career direction and identify ways to help me develop my own business. She offered effective strategies, and more importantly, new perspectives and insights about future employment opportunities. I came away with a treasure trove of resources. As a result, I feel more optimistic and excited about my career possibilities.”

Melina, Brisbane


I just heard back from company X and they said my interview was great. I'd just like to thank you for all your help. Thanks again!

JH, Brisbane

"The career counselling session I had with Judith was incredibly informative and enlightening. I walked away from the session with a better understanding of what I'm looking for from a long term career, the types of careers more suited to my personality and with a realistic action plan to get a career change on track."

Jessica, Brisbane

"The career counselling session I had with Judith was incredibly informative and enlightening. Judith was great at understanding my career wants and needs and was also able to deliver realistic options based on our discussions and my career profiling assessments. I walked away from the session with a better understanding of what I'm looking for from a long term career, the types of careers more suited to my personality and with a realistic action plan to get a career change on track."

Jessica, Brisbane

Hi Karen,

Thank you so much for meeting with me - I thoroughly enjoyed it and found the session invaluable!! I cannot believe I haven't done this sooner! I feel I have so many more exciting options open to me now and I cannot wait to explore them and get going on my next adventure! I will certainly recommend your services for anyone who would like some direction and clarity around their career development.

JC, Brisbane

Articles from our blog

Life after redundancy – 10 top tips to minimise the pain

The time following a redundancy can be tough, with all kinds of emotions stirred up including disappointment, anger, resentment, shame, anxiety, and uncertainty which can lead to reduced confidence. Despite this, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude while searching for your next job. Here are our top 10 tips for minimising the pain: 1. Accept the loss and move on. Acknowledging feelings of loss may help initially, however the sooner you let go, the better. Redundancies are business decisions, so accept that it is out of your control and try not to take it personally. 2. Encourage positive thoughts. When faced with challenges, we can be prone to negativity. Accept this natural emotion, then try to encourage positivity by engaging in activities that help you think clearly and optimistically. 3. Start talking to people. The sooner you start networking, the better. If you’re not on LinkedIn, now is a great time to create a profile. Invite colleagues to connect and let them know you are seeking new opportunities. 4. Get your finances in order. Depending on your financial situation, you may need to seek financial advice or talk to your bank about loans. Do this quickly, so you have one less thing to worry about. Read more

Is self-care the new career success secret?

‘Self-care’ has become a buzzword, and some people see it as an indulgence or a reward for a job well done. But self-care – which simply means taking care of our mental and physical health – is critical for living a happy and healthy life. Practising daily self-care can help you stay focused, rejuvenated, stress-free and sane. Older generations, particularly those aged over 40, were raised with the work ethic that you should push on regardless of challenges. You were expected to show up for work every day, put on a happy face and keep your problems to yourself. Thank goodness times have changed and we now know how important self-care can be in preventing burnout, improving job performance and being happier and healthier. Extreme stress leads to health issues. It is now widely recognised in the professional world that stress can lead to a range of mental and physical health issues, including depression, anxiety and high blood pressure. According to a State of Workplace Mental Health report published by Beyond Blue in 2014, one in five Australians (21%) took time off work in the previous 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed or mentally unhealthy. This statistic was more than twice as high (46%) among those who considered their workplace ‘mentally unhealthy’. It’s clear that self-care is important not only to our health, but also to our long-term career success. Read on for some simple tips on incorporating self-care into your daily life. Read more

How to manage your time in the digital age

Technology is at the centre of many workplaces these days, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with everything going on around us. Is it even possible to balance our personal and professional lives, while staying on top of our inboxes and being attached to our smartphones? In the digital age, it’s more important than ever to learn how to focus only on the things that matter. This way, you can make technology work for you – not against you. Here are six simple tips to help you limit the distractions of technology and get more done. 1. Schedule time to respond to emails: Dealing with email is a constant struggle. A full inbox can be overwhelming and diverts our time away from more important work. One strategy is to allocate specific times of the day to check your email, and keep your inbox minimised on your screen outside of these times. Another strategy is to deal with any emails immediately that can you can respond to within three minutes. If it’s going to take longer, leave it for dedicated email time. You will find yourself quickly identifying whether an email is just a distraction or something that needs attention, and you’ll be amazed by the difference this approach can make. To get on top of your emails, sort them into sub-folders according to urgency. For example, create a ‘today’ folder for items that need to be dealt with that day, a ‘this week’ folder for less urgent emails and a ‘this month’ folder for emails that can wait longer. Read more

Why interpersonal skills matter at work

When employers are evaluating candidates for a role, interpersonal skills are often one of their top criteria. These skills are also vital for succeeding in your job and getting ahead in your career. Also known as ‘people skills’, ‘soft skills’ or ‘emotional intelligence’, interpersonal skills relate to the way we communicate and interact with others. There are very few jobs where someone works 100% independently. Even roles you might think are mostly solo require some human interaction and teamwork. And how well you do that is strongly linked to your overall performance and success. Do you have the interpersonal skills you need to be a valuable member of your team and organisation? Some of the most important skills include:
1. Communication: Sharing ideas and information, building relationships with colleagues and understanding what a customer wants all rest on being able to communicate effectively.
2. Empathy: Relating well to other people requires you to understand their thoughts, feelings and perspectives. Empathy allows you to put yourself in others’ shoes. 3. Teamwork: Almost all jobs have elements of teamwork. To be a valuable employee, you need to know how to work well with others and play your part within close-knit and wider teams. Read more


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